
  • 2015年男孩取名大全浩字辈

      浩辛   浩竣   浩吉   浩群   浩钊   浩本   浩力    浩淼   浩鲁   浩骐   浩联   浩乾   浩彦   浩名   浩朝   浩劭   浩量   浩正   浩和   浩弟   浩华   浩延   浩景   浩城   浩知   浩将   浩仕   浩佩   浩莫   浩肃   浩哥   浩义   浩彬   浩其   浩峥?

  • 求带雅字的男孩名

      人英语短剧剧本   N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies   and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he make the candies? Oh, 础u …… He is coming!   S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you .I’ m the famous candy salesman at the school gate. My   candies are very popular .I don’t know why. The foolish students always come here. I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money……Oops! It’s time to make candies now. (看表)First, put the flour on the table. Then, water, sugar, flour. (边说边做) Now press, press……Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it! (满不在意的情) Press, press……Oh, my god!(鼻涕)Never mind! Just do it! Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK, He He He……Now let me cut it into pieces! One, two, three, four, five……(用脏菜刀) Wow, everything is ready!   糖果钻出来(跳舞),跳完后,非常难过地说:Oh, I’m so dirty and ugly! What can I do? The students will eat me! And they will be ill! Wu Wu Wu…   S: Mmmm…It looks dirty. Let me give you a nice coat! (给它穿上) Wow! Now it’s so beautiful! Ha ha……   C: Oh, no! Don’t sell me! I’m dirty! (拖糖果下场) Scene2(At the school gate)   N: The next day, when the class is over, all the students come out happily and the salesman goes to the school gate as usual.   (Maggie和Alice 欢快地跑出校门,看到小贩)(小贩拉着糖上场!吆喝):Candies! Candies! Sweet candies! ……   M: Oh, Alice! Look! Candies! A: Yeah! I think they are yummy!   M: Let’s ask him. A: OK!   C: Don’t buy me。(非常焦急)   M&A: Why? C: I’m dirt......余下全文>>。怎么看一栋房子风水有没有贵

  • 虎年男孩茂字辈取名大全


  • 男孩取名淋字好吗?


  • 起名字有方雅什么的男孩名大全

      方雅颂 看风水红包

  • 带熹字的男孩名字大全

      熹彦   熹菱   熹雪   熹盼   熹泳   熹丽   熹桐   熹进   熹权   熹轩   熹冰   熹建   熹羽   熹熹   熹胜   熹亮   熹华   熹旦   熹巍   熹鑫   熹柏   熹健   熹健   熹鑫   熹焱   熹呈   熹鳕   熹言   熹青   熹刚   熹宇   熹好   熹京   熹杰   熹栋   熹涵   熹捷   熹凯   熹彬   熹冶   熹紫   熹泉   熹涛   熹桢   熹庭   熹奕   熹寻   熹立   熹成   熹成  6788 熹晖   熹博   熹彦   熹钦   熹迪   熹华   熹墨   熹清   熹宏   熹杰   熹炼   熹名   熹磊   熹诚   熹磊   熹伟   熹权   熹同   熹琪   熹顺   熹军   熹骁   熹唯   熹浩   熹可   熹芮   熹宏   熹昂   熹军   熹臻   熹辉!手机号码风水看几位数

  • 带淞字男孩取名宝典

       思淞 伟淞,雅字取名男孩名字大全网上阅读风水

  • 帮忙取名!!带雅字的品牌名!!

      我专业是服装设计 取名可能不会很满意哈~ 裤子还是要分品种嘞 牛仔裤类就炫酷点 不过带雅字就还是叫高中端 稳重优雅的名字吧 卖女性男性类那种棉裤子或混合性的,就儒雅点 金御雅 雅丽得 尚雅 雅百俪 时尚点可以叫雅格 望采纳 ~~ (想的汗流- -!!),后天八卦图看阴宅风水

  • 山字辈的男孩如何取名呢

      【山伟】意思是高山巍峨屹立?高耸入云?含义 : 做一个顶天立地的!0190名利双收到胜利者?,八运酉山卯向 公司

  • 男孩取名有男字的怎样组词

    7442  “”男”可以换为“楠”吗,!八运寅山申向不能今天人吗
