
  • 血型的英文简写都怎么写的?

      Blood type?

  • 我是10.30出生的女生,名字简写jqy,天蝎座,请为我适合什么样的英文名?


  • 四叶草的英文简写,有哪些?

      four leaf clover?家居风水如何促进好运

  • 我是射手座女生(12.15)能否帮忙想一个好听的英文名?中文名是樊祥慧。有些音的最好。谢谢。


  • 好读的女生英文名

      Camil(l)a卡米拉Carrie卡4918里     Carmen卡门   Caroline卡罗琳   Catherine Cathleen Cathryn 凯瑟琳   Cathy Cathie 凯希   Cecilia塞西莉娅   Cecily塞西莉   Celia希莉亚   Charlotte夏洛特   Cherry彻丽   Christabel克里斯塔贝尔   Christiana克里斯蒂安娜   Christine克莉丝汀   Cicely西塞莉     Clara克拉拉 健康风水

  • 翻译英文(有关射手座的)

      ● ecliptic is the ninth constellation Sagittarius, he was represented by well-known fairy tales and a half man, half horse blame. The pursuit of knowledge and new challenges, love music adventure tourism is the main characteristic of the constellation. Sagittarius is a moment of the evening in late September, near the horizon in the South can see that it is holding with the Galaxy Scorpio distant relative, for the formation of the arrows in the shape of the arch. Basically, they never warm and rest. Sagittarius sun through the date of 11/23 to 12/21, is the cold winter season, Sagittarius people like his personality than the fierce wind blowing like fast, like like Arrows by leaps and bounds.   麻烦采纳、谢谢!。养狗也要讲究风水

  • 橒字意义简写是哪个字

      橒 yún,部首: 木 部首笔画: 4 总笔画: 16橒yún木纹?古书上说的一种树没有简写?就是这样写、别墅[自建楼房]的风水要决

  • “我是个爱做梦的女生”的英文

      I'm a girl who's fond of dreaming. 床头形状对人的影响

  • 求便利店名字,旁边是个酒吧,想取个简单大气的,英文字母简写,有含义的名字,求各位大神,谢谢。

      S and M,家居健康风水注意什么

  • 女生用的英文名

      Qadira 强大的,有权势的 Qamra 月亮 Qitarah 芳香的 Quanika Nika的变形 Queen 女王 Queena 女王 Quella 镇定 Quenby 女人味儿 Quenna Questa 搜索者 Quintessa 精华 Quiterie 宁静 Quorra 心!阳台让家与自然衔接
