
  • 急求:关于生肖的英语短文!!!!!

      jia,你最好还是自己写.好吗??   如果有不会的,俺帮你查,OK?   支持你哦   加油

  • 关于星座的英语短文翻译

      "My constellation is Capricornus which gives other a feeling of steadiness and stubbornness. However, I am different because I love my life and be optimistic and fond of making jokes. I prefer Aries because they're humorous and energetic. But after all constellation is only people's imagination and it is not pivotal to decide their characters."     【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答,。书房风水 助家财兴旺

  • 关于金猪年的英语短文

      the Year of Golden Pig   The year 2007 is the ‘Year of the Pig,’ based on the lunar calendar. But it is not just an ordinary pig, it is a ‘golden pig.’ According to some fortunetellers, it is going to be the ‘Year of the Golden Pig’ which comes every 600 years.   Babies born in the ‘year of the golden pig’ are believed to have good fortune and will lead a comfortable and wealthy life.   However, most fortunetellers and folklorists doubt the belief. According to a member of a fortunetellers’ association, they don’t know where the myth came from. It is only a saying among people and there are no grounds for it.   People who believe in the year of the golden pig say the special year comes every 600 years. They came to this conclusion through calculations, using a combination of the Chinese zodiac and the yin and yang theory.   However, a folklore professor, Joo Young-ha, at the Academy of Korean Studies rebuts the theory. He explained that if the year 2007 is the golden pig year which comes every 600 years, there should be records about the special year written in the ‘Taejong Sillok,’ archives of King Taejong. King Taejong ruled the Joseon Dynasty 600 years ago. But there are no such records, which makes him believe the myth was made not long ago.   Also, Baek Woon-san, head of the Korean Fortune-tellers Association, thinks the whole thing is an exaggeration. However, he said that there have been many people with good fortune who were born in the year of the pig, when the energy of bright light and clear water are harmoniously joined together.   Some even believe the myth was created to boost the ever-decreasing birthrate in recent years. In fact, Korea’s birthrate is expected to increase this year. Many obstetrics and gynecology clinics are actually providing more pregnancy counseling these days.   Whatever the belief is, marketing is already in full swing. You will notice golden pig items everywhere you go in Korea. Gold colored piggy banks are selling well and are also a popular promotional item for companies. They are actually very cute.   Some businesses, including banks, are even presenting gold bars as a lottery prize to people who open a bank account these days. Also, demand for gold is increasing as more people are using gold as gifts for relatives and friends, wishing them good luck.   Baby product companies are also quick to jump on the gilded bandwagon. For example, toy companies are making various toy pigs. 卧室方位哪个好 卧室朝向风水

  • 易经64篇短文全部内容

      《周易》—— 义理 研讨   一。【转载】周有光: “国学”是一种错误的说法   问:您如何看待今天国内纷纷建立国学院以及百家讲坛讲国学引发的热潮!周有光3993:首先 “国学”两个字是不通的?世界上没有一个“国学”,学问都是世界性的,是不分国家的。不过要研究古代的东西我是赞成的?要7989注意的一点是?复兴华夏文化。重 要的不是文化复古?而是文化更新?不是以传统替代现代文化、而是以传统辅助现代文化,具体怎么做呢?多数人认为应当符合三点要求:提高水平、整理和研究要 用科学方法 适应现代 不作玄虚空谈、重视实用创造?扩大传播,用现代语文解释和翻译古代著作、详:book.ifeng.com/a/20160113/18522_0.shtml     二,《周易》 是 具有占筮功能的书!但《周易》不是卜筮之书 或《周易》经文(卦爻辞)不是占筮记录 、。   虽然《周易》中有卦象!爻象(即指阴爻9716或阳爻和爻位、或:爻象=阴爻或阳爻+爻位)?以及卦名 卦辞?爻名、爻辞?这些都可作为起卦和断卦之用!另外从9161古 到今?仍有少数人用它占筮(卜)或预测?故《周易》是古代一本具有占筮功能的书!但不能说《周易》是卜筮之书 或《周易》经文(卦爻辞)为占筮记录!   其理由如下:   《周易》中有:  5198 1 ?六十四个卦象图。   2,每卦有六个爻名(爻象)?仅乾,坤两卦有七个爻6454名(爻象),   3!文字有:六十四卦的卦名!卦辞和爻辞,其卦辞和爻辞 主要是讲述为人处事之道,绝3397对不是人家所说的。《周易》经文(卦爻辞)为占筮记录,   从上述1、2,3 内容来看 是看不出《周易》有任何占筮内容的 故《周易》不是卜筮之书 ,或《周易》经文(卦爻辞)不是占筮记录, ?   六十四卦卦辞和爻辞!主要是讲述为人处事之道。绝1842对不是人家所说的,《周易》经4336文(卦爻辞)为占筮记录,   详见:blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_842c2d2d0102w8g7.html     三?《周易》六十四卦是64篇文章(短文)   《周易》?它是五经(《诗经》!《尚书》。《礼记》 《周易》,《春秋》)之一的一本经书?《周易》 内有六十四卦?实际上是六十四篇由卦象!卦名?卦辞。爻名和爻辞所组成 具有特殊形式的文章(短文)。   《,客厅玄关风水布局得当 促运势利健康

  • 偷吃苹果的小老鼠的短文

      一天,天气晴朗?一只小老鼠来到小河边的草地上!它看见小河对岸有一棵苹果树 树上长满了又大又红的苹果、小老鼠馋得直流口水?可是小河上没有桥。它想:“我怎么过河呢,”这时 一只小鸭子正游过来,小老鼠连忙喊着:“小鸭子!你能背我过河吗?”小鸭子点点头说:“可以啊!”小老鼠就跳到小鸭子背上?小鸭子把小老鼠背到了河对岸?    小老鼠立刻跑到苹果树下,准备摇苹果树 小熊看见了警告它:“这棵苹果树是老虎种的不能偷吃!”小老鼠不听小熊的劝告继续摇着苹果树,树上掉下了几个苹果 老鼠抓了一个就咬了一口,这时,老虎来了看见老鼠正在偷吃它的苹果十分生气 老虎凶狠的说:“你竟敢偷吃我种的苹果?看我不把2137你吃了!”说完老虎就扑过去、一口把小老鼠吞进了肚子里!!卫生间装修 卫生间风水注意事项

  • 除夕,放鞭炮,十二生肖和过年在英语中怎么说

      除夕、放鞭炮。十二生肖和过年:Set off firecrackers on New Year's eve, and celebrate the Chinese zodiac?卧室风水禁忌 四大忌不可做

  • 我梦见了动物王国的短文阅读答案

      动物王国中的父爱   ①哺乳动物的母爱在育儿期间显得很突出。雌性的猫 狗和老虎在这个时期变得十分凶猛?常常张牙舞7440爪地对待不速之客?这是对幼儿的保护性反应!   ②动物王国中?产卵(仔)、分娩或哺乳都离不开雌性?母爱天生的伟大?掩盖了父爱!可是、动物的父爱依然是很普遍的?它们通过提供食物、温暖?庇护等方式关怀后代、保护后代免遭敌害的侵袭?   ③海马与其他鱼类的生殖方式不一样,是6784由雄鱼“生”小鱼!雌海马不是把卵产在水里 而是产在雄海马腹部的育儿袋里、这同袋鼠的育儿方式有些类似!怀卵的雄海马呼吸时,育儿袋微微启合!使发育中的胚胎能得到充分的水分和新鲜的氧气 育儿袋同时还是营养袋。能供应胚胎在发育中所需要的营养?二十多天后,海马爸爸就6812开始“分娩” 临产时、海马爸爸尾部紧紧卷在海藻上、收缩肌肉使身体一仰一伏地摆动 每当海马爸6045爸仰起身来、就迫使育儿袋打开!喷出一尾或几尾小海马   ④生活在北半球海域的刺鱼具有独特的本领?能在水下建筑形似某些鸟窝的巢、把卵产在巢里?雄刺鱼单独和巢呆在一起!日夜守卫在旁边?成了细心操劳的“爸爸”!用一种任何鱼类从未有过的育儿方式!来照顾自己的后代!这期间任何雄鱼和雌鱼前来?都立即被驱逐出境,雄鱼在巢边不断地活动、有时绕巢而游!有时不断地用前鳍对准巢口扇动水流——它头朝下。尾巴向上!不停地鼓动着前鳍拨水?摇动着尾巴做前游动作,使自己能够在原地停留不动,一个月后、鱼卵都孵化了、这时!它还要尽一下“爸爸”的保护责任 要是“孩子们”游得太远,“爸爸”还会把它们衔进嘴里!游到巢边、吐入巢中!当它们长大了些。能独立生活了!就离开“爸爸”各奔东西啦、   1.根据第3?4段的介绍!简洁地概括动物们的“父爱”的具体表现。   2.动物的生育方法非常奇特!雌海马9232把卵产在( )!由海马9278爸爸( ),而刺鱼具4351有独特的本领。它能( )!卧室风水 梳妆台的摆放风水禁忌

  • 大浪与大海阅读短文

      小水珠和大浪     从山崖上滴下来的小水珠?正好滴在一块(坚强     坚硬)的石头上!它决心把石头滴穿 这   件事让河中的大浪知道了     大浪便哈哈大笑     对小水珠说     嘿     凭你点力气     能把石头滴穿真是笑话     小水珠说     不信     我俩比比看     你把河边的石头打个洞     我滴穿这块石头     九百九十九天以后     看看   是怎样的(结果     后果,十二生肖英语短文书房装修要注意 9大书房风水禁忌

  • 一段英语小短文 求翻译

      主持人:今天!我们的嘉宾是玛丽安 霍尔博士?她研究人的睡眠和梦境!那么?博士,我们为什么会做梦呢!   博士:这是一个科学家终将弄清楚的问题,但现在还没有明确的答案 我们有些想法!但还很难确 定我们为何以及怎样做梦?   主持人:看来您的工作并9326不容易?那么所有人都做梦么、   博士:是的?所有的动物都做梦、我们的大脑在睡眠期间仍然活动。并在此期间做梦几次。但人们 并不一定5680能记得自己的梦,   主持人:哇、这太有意思了。我很想知道我的小狗的梦,   博士:它很有可能做着跑和玩耍的梦!有一些对人类来说常见的梦境。例如人们常常7939梦到飞行和坠 落?或者想跑但腿动不了,有0012时也梦到忘记考试   主持人:我居然没发现?我还以为只有我这么做梦!有时我梦到我穿着睡衣工作!   博士:哈!那也是一个常见的梦。不过!你在电台工作、穿睡衣工作也不会有人知道的、   主持人:没错!也许我该明天试试?   另外 大侠!此类问题?最好把图片转个90度再发上来。看得脖子都酸了 ?儿童房风水 让孩子活泼开朗

  • 初二英语作文:假如发生火灾,你会怎么办?写一篇短文,介绍你的建议。

      If there is a fire, what should we do?   First, found that after the fire, to make alarm calls "119" report to the police. If telephone lines for fire is blocked, you can cry out, or by radio alarm.   Second, if there are other people in the home, to remind them to escape, don't you run away.   Third, if the fire is small, can use the quilt be stained with water, put in the body, if there is smoke, into three layers, should use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose, crawl on the ground, even small and shallow breathing.   Fourth, when firefighters couldn't get there in time, can be to escape. If the stairs are heat sealed, the place such as lower floors can from the balcony, with tear sheets into a rope, such as the floor is higher, to take advantage of the smaller fires to put out the fire, if the stairs to escape, should escape from the stairs. Avoid by all means don't take the elevator at this moment, because the elevator may be because of the fire power outage, make people trapped inside, choked to death.   Fifth, if you have children, the elderly and patients trapped upstairs, more should be timely rescue. At this time, can use the string (not tear the rope with a sheet of knotting) throw upstairs, let people trapped slid out.   Sixth, take the baby to escape, you can gently with wet cloth on his face, holding his hand, one hand grip.   假如发生火灾、我们该怎么办,   第一?发现火灾发生后 要先拨打火警电话“119”报警?如果电话线路因火被阻断?可以大声呼喊或通过无线电报警,   第二,如果家里还有其他人。要提醒他们逃生?不要只顾自己逃跑!   第三,如果火势比较小,可以用被子沾上水?披在身上,如果有浓烟、应该用湿毛巾折成三层。捂住口鼻。在地上匍匐前进,呼吸还要小而浅。   第四?当消防员不能及时赶到时,可以进行自行逃生?如果楼梯被火封住?楼层较低的可以从阳台等地方,用床单撕开结成绳子滑下?如楼层较高、要趁火势较小扑灭火?如果楼梯可以逃生,应该从楼梯逃生,切忌这时千万不要乘电梯,因为电梯可能会因为火而停电?使人被困在里面?窒息而死   第五。如果有小孩?老人?病人等被困在楼上,更应该及时抢救。这时,可以用绳子(没有绳子的用床单撕开结绳)掷到楼上?让被困的人滑出来?   第六,3735带婴儿逃离时、可以用湿湿布轻轻蒙上他的脸。一手抱着他!一手抓地逃生?!玄关风水有讲究 摆放物品需注意
